Thank You For Attending

This Year’s Breakfast

The Event

Prayer Breakfast for leaders of business, community and elected officials.




Auletto Caterers
1849 Cooper St.
Deptford Township, NJ 08096

Cost to attend

$30 per plate for breakfast
$240 for a table of 8
$300 for a table of 10

You Are Invited!

Come together with fellow business professionals and civic leaders to mark the start of the festive holiday season. We look forward to seeing you at this annual hallmark event!

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2024 Guest Speaker

Rebekah Gregory’s life was forever changed at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013.

Rebekah Gregory is not just a survivor; she's a beacon of strength, resilience, and unwavering courage. A renowned inspirational speaker, Rebekah captivates audiences with her powerful story of triumph over tragedy.

In 2013, Rebekah's life was forever changed when she was a victim of the Boston Marathon bombing. Despite enduring severe injuries, including the amputation of her leg, Rebekah emerged as a symbol of hope and resilience. Her journey of physical and emotional healing has inspired countless individuals around the world.

As an advocate for trauma survivors, Rebekah has dedicated her life to spreading a message of hope and empowerment. Her dynamic speaking engagements blend raw authenticity with a touch of humor, leaving audiences moved, motivated, and ready to face their own challenges head-on.

Rebekah's story is not just about overcoming adversity; it's about finding strength in vulnerability, turning pain into purpose, and embracing the extraordinary potential within us all. Whether on stage or in her bestselling book, Taking My Life Back, Rebekah Gregory continues to impact lives, proving that in the face of adversity, we have the power to redefine our future.


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